Starting this year, I will be offering telephone / Zoom-based consulting to individuals and families seeking deeper healing from depression and anxiety. I’m especially interested in working with individuals who feel like they have “done everything they know” – but have a deeper sense that there is more healing still possible. If you are someone still just barely coping and managing after lots of treatment, please reach out. I think I can help, especially if you’re open to considering adjustments to your healing approach that incorporate gentle therapeutic lifestyle adjustments. If you’re having any difficulties with side-effects associated with antidepressants and other psychiatric medication, I also have some expertise in providing support to those who want to consider the possibility of a mindfulness-oriented, gradual approach to maximize safety and comfort. I am organizing a series of online, video-support calls this fall to bring together small groups of people who would like to pursue this approach to deeper healing from depression.
If interested in consulting, reach out to me at or at the contact form here. Communication can happen via skype, Zoom, phone, or using the Marco Polo app (video-based messaging). I don’t turn anyone away for financial need, and feel most comfortable working on a sliding scale based on how helpful the support I provide is, along with where you are financially.